We are still basking in the HONOR of working with the National MS Society, BikeMS on their biggest race of the year -- the Cape Cod Getaway!
Let's put this all in context... from the National MS Society website:
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, unpredictable disease of the central nervous system (CNS), which is made up of the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves. It is thought to be an immune-mediated disorder, in which the immune system incorrectly attacks healthy tissue in the CNS.
To put the NMSS simply, it's an incredible society dedicated to freeing the world of Multiple Sclerosis.
And BikeMS, what's that?
Bike MS is the fundraising cycling series of the National MS Society and raises more money than any other cycling event for any other cause. To date, Bike MS cyclists, volunteers, and donors have raised more than $1 billion so people affected by MS can live their best lives as we stop MS in its tracks, restore what's been lost and, end MS forever.
So... BikeMS put on this HUGE event where cyclists rode 150 miles from Boston to the top of Cape Cod in two days to raise money for the cause!
Let's get into the design.
There were a few details that I KNEW I wanted to incorporate: bold lines and a pop color. My initial focus was to create something that was a little more modern and different than your standard giveaway tee. As of recent, I've been crazy inspired by line-work. What I love about it so much is that when the design is not "filled" with color, it leaves so much room for your eyes to just enjoy the space and shapes--and there is nothing I love more than white space. It's open and fresh.
The concept we came up is layered; it's pretty literal but I always like to have something a little deeper, ya know?
A map of the event. Wow. How much more literal can it get?! But haven't you heard? It's all about the journey. For those who suffer from MS, for those who have loved ones who suffer(ed), for those who have survived, and for those who spend countless, SELFLESS hours and miles helping, they all have a significant journey. THAT'S what this design is all about.
This was the first go:
I landed on a map of just the Cape, turned into lines and lines and lines. It was a great gateway into what happened next. When I spoke with the NMSS, we decided to include more of Massachusettes (so we could also see Boston since that's where the race starts!).
THEN the real maaagic started really happening! Once we had the whole area mapped out, we highlighted the route they rode (all 150 miles!) from Boston to the top of the Cape. Of course, we used orange because that's the MS color... and having the white + orange pop on a deep navy... SO. CRISP.
And I mean, what's a BikeMS shirt without a bike? ZOOM ZOOM
To add to the fun, we did the neck badges for the event so the designs stayed cohesive.
Lastly, here's the printed design. We couldn't be happier with the result :)
'Til next time,
P.S. We ADORE custom. Looking for a design for your own event? Shoot us an email at info@thirteenfitapparel.com:)